About SBJ Café

At SBJ Café, we take pride in being a family-owned and operated roasting coffee business, offering a diverse range of delicious blends, including our signature house blend unique flavors.

Introducing SBJ Café: A Flavorful Journey in Roasted Coffee
It all started with a simple desire to share our passion with loved ones. As we witnessed the joy on the faces of our family and friends while sipping our meticulously roasted coffee beans, we knew we had something truly special.
Encouraged by the love and support from our inner circle, we embarked on a journey to expand our business. We believed that our unique blend of coffees had the potential to bring delight to a wider audience. And so, we opened our doors not just to individuals, but also to companies seeking that exceptional cup of coffee.
At SBJ Café, the roasting process is not just a task; it is an expression of our love for the craft. We believe that a great cup of coffee is not limited to its taste alone, but also encompasses the captivating aromas and the smooth finish that leaves a lasting impression.
Our commitment to excellence begins with the selection of top-quality green coffee beans. We source Arabica beans from various regions of Latin America, ensuring that each batch brings a distinct and remarkable flavor profile. Additionally, our Robusta beans hail from the rich coffee-growing regions of Asia, lending a dynamic element to our blends.
In our pursuit of perfection, we roast small batches at our very own facility. It is here that we carefully monitor and adjust the roasting process, striving to find the sweet spot that perfectly suits each unique variety of beans. Only when we achieve the desired quality and flavor do we consider our beans ready to be shared with you.
Our assortment of roasted coffee blends is a testament to our dedication. Among them, our house blend stands out with its harmonious combination of beans, resulting in a delightful fusion of flavors. Each blend has been meticulously crafted to offer an unforgettable experience, and we take pride in every sip of our distinct and smooth coffee.
As we continue on our journey, we are grateful for the support and enthusiasm from our family and friends who have inspired us to reach new heights in the world of coffee. We invite you to join us at SBJ Café and savor every sip - a testament to our passion, dedication, and the love we pour into our coffee beans.